The game is played through a third person over-the-shoulder view. Players are allowed to switch between first-person and third-person at any moment. Players either travel on foot or ride various types of mechanized suits called Vital Suits (VSs). VSs carry heavy weapons such as chain guns and rocket launchers. They can pick up weapons lying on the ground and fire multiple weapons at once. On foot, players are able to use a grappling hook to pull themselves up to normally hard-to-reach places, or to hook onto a VS and hijack it. Driving VSs and using certain weapons requires thermal energy. Also, the planet's cold temperature causes the characters' thermal energy level to continually decrease. Players can replenish their thermal energy level by defeating enemies or activating data posts. Data posts also allow players to use their navigational radars to see incoming enemies. Each of the 11 levels is accompanied by a boss, which can be either a VS or a large Akrid.
Online multiplayer versus also requires players to monitor their thermal energy level, but here, reaching zero does not cause death. Instead, the characters cannot use VSs or fire the weapons which require thermal energy. Online multiplayer versus consists of four modes, called Elimination, Team Elimination, Post Grab, and Fugitive. Players score points by killing other players and activating posts, and they lose points for being killed or committing suicide. Post grab is a mode where players on opposite teams compete to capture as many posts as possible before the set time runs out. Team Elimination is a 16-player team competition, and Elimination is a 16-player free-for-all mode. Finally, Fugitive is a game mode where one person is marked as a fugitive, and the other players try to take away all the fugitive's points before time runs out.[8]
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Lost Planet also made an appearance at E3 2006. There, a new trailer debuted and an Xbox Live demo was announced for released by May 11, both multiplayer and single player.[11] At the Expo, Keiji Inafune explained Capcom's reason for choosing the Xbox 360 as the prime console saying: "What the Xbox 360 represents is a great balance. When you think about when it was released, what it can do, how much it costs, the type of games it will have, it's just in a very nice position. The PlayStation 3 being that expensive is going to put it out of the price range of a lot of people, but yet the 360 will still be there. It will still be something that's affordable for enough people. The one disadvantage, unfortunately, is that it did not succeed in Japan".[12] Lost Planet also made an appearance at Leipzig 2006, where it showcased a brand new trailer showing glimpses on online multiplayer.[13] Following its appearance in Leipzig, Lost Planet also appeared at the 2006 Tokyo Game Show and DICE 2009.[14]
The Collector's Edition of the game was released on January 12, 2007 worldwide. The Collector's Edition included a special edition Steelbook case, an art book including exclusive cover art, multimedia cutscenes, and multiplayer maps that would not be released until months later for free.[17]
Lost Planet: Colonies is a gold edition version of Extreme Condition for Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows.[18] The game includes new multiplayer maps, a Human vs Akrid multiplayer mode, and a selection of new multiplayer characters and weapons.[19]
Also on July 16, Capcom announced the first downloadable content for the Microsoft Windows version. The content included new view modes resembling that of the Resident Evil series and new multiplayer maps downloadable on the console versions. The content also included 3 new characters, including Joe from the campaign, Dead Rising's Frank West, and Frank West wearing a Mega Man suit (also unlockable in Dead Rising).[24]
Lost Planet's multiplayer component received mixed remarks. Reviewers were generally pleased with the game options available to players,[49][50] but were disappointed that multiplayer was online only, with no opportunity for cooperative play.[34][42] GamePro criticized the Xbox 360 version's matchmaking system, which would drop all players from a match if the host disconnected. At the time of its release, the PC version suffered from numerous technical glitches, making online play impossible for many players.[37]
Lost Planet: Extreme ConditionNorth American PS3 cover of Lost Planet: Extreme Condition.Developer(s)CapcomK2 LLC (PS3 port)Publisher(s)CapcomDesigner(s)Kenji Oguro (director)Keiji Inafune (producer)Composer(s)Jamie ChristophersonSeriesLost PlanetEngineMT FrameworkGenre(s)Action, third-person shooterRating(s)ESRB: TOFLC: MMediaDVD, DVD-DL, Blu-ray Disc, SteamInput methodsGamepad, keyboard, mousePlatformsXbox 360, PlayStation 3, Microsoft WindowsModesSingle-player, multiplayer
The game is played through the third person over-the-shoulder view. Players are able to switch between first-person and third-person at any moment. Players either travel on foot or ride various types of mechanized suits called Vital Suits (VS). VS's carry heavy weapons such as chainguns and rocket launchers. They can pick up weapons lying on the ground and fire multiple weapons at once. On foot, players are able to use a grappling hook to pull themselves up to normally hard-to-reach places, or to hook onto a VS and hijack it. Driving VS's and using certain weapons requires thermal energy. Also, the planet's cold temperature causes the characters' thermal energy level to continually decrease. Players can replenish their thermal energy level by defeating enemies or activating data posts. Data posts also allow players to use their navigational radars to see incoming enemies.
Lost Planet also made an appearance at E3 2006. There, a new trailer debuted and a Xbox Live demo was announced for released by May 11, 2006, both multiplayer and single player. At the Expo, Keiji Inafune explained Capcom's reason for choosing the Xbox 360 as the prime console saying "What the Xbox 360 represents is a great balance. When you think about when it was released, what it can do, how much it costs, the type of games it will have, it's just in a very nice position. The PlayStation 3 being that expensive is going to put it out of the price range of a lot of people, but yet the 360 will still be there. It will still be something that's affordable for enough people. The one disadvantage, unfortunately, is that it did not succeed in Japan.". Lost Planet also made an appearance at Leipzig 2006, where it showcased a brand new trailer showing glimpses on online multiplayer. Following its appearance in Leipzig, Lost Planet also appeared at the 2006 Tokyo Game Show and DICE 2009.
The Collector's Edition of the game was released on January 12, 2007 worldwide. The Collectors Edition included a special edition tin cover, an art book including exclusive cover art, multimedia cut scenes, and multiplayer maps that would not be released until months later for free.
Lost Planet: Colonies is a special edition of Extreme Condition for the Xbox 360 and PC. The game includes new multiplayer maps, a Human vs Akrid multiplayer mode, and a selection of new multiplayer characters and weapons. Colonies also introduces four new single-player modes: Score Attack, Time Trial Battle Mode, first-person-shooter mode, and Unlimited Mode. The game also includes cross-platform play between Xbox Live and Games for Windows - Live users. The Colonies edition is not compatible with the original Lost Planet save games or multiplayer game, so players of each release may only play with others who have the same release. The game was released in North America on May 27, 2008; in Japan on May 29; and in Europe on June 6.
On July 16, 2007, Capcom announced the first downloadable content for the PC version. The content included new view modes resembling that of the Resident Evil series and new multiplayer maps downloadable on the console versions. The content also included new characters, including Joe from the campaign, Mega Man, and Dead Rising's Frank West.
Lost Planet's multiplayer component received mixed remarks. Reviewers were generally pleased with the game options available to players, but were disappointed that multiplayer was online only, with no opportunity for cooperative play. GamePro criticized the Xbox 360 version's matchmaking system, which would drop all players from a match if the host disconnected. At the time of its release, the PC version suffered from numerous technical glitches, making online play impossible for many players. 2ff7e9595c